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Natural hair tag

Hey guys, so a while ago (read: a very, very long time ago), I was tagged by doing it natural for a natural hair tag. I put it off for so long but better late than never, right?

Seriously, you need to check out doing it natural’s blog. Thanks girl for the nomination and Yeka for creating this tag.

The Rules: It goes for all hair types…

From straight to the coiliest, kinkiest strands.

Put the logo/image on your blog.

List the rules.

Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.

Mention the creator of the Hair Tag and link their blog.

Answer the Hair Tag Questions plus the additional question asked by your nominee

You have to nominate 5-10 people.

Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.

Ask your nominees 2 questions of your choice.

Post your picture on Instagram and Tag @de-naturelle for a repost or use the hash tag #denaturelle

Reblog their Response (optional)


  • Tell us a little about you? What do you do with your spare time?

I’m Temiloluwa, a blogger, writer and general hustler. In my spare time, you’d probably find me reading or watching YouTube videos.

  • Are you natural?

Yes, I am

  • How long have you been natural?

I’ve been completely natural for about 2 years now

  • Why did you go natural?

Relaxers dealt with me in the past. I have very coarse and plenty hair and a very soft and sensitive scalp. This combo is terrible, I tell you. It takes a long time for relaxers to work on my hair and my scalp starts hurting as soon as the relaxer touches my hair. At the end I’d have wounds on my scalp. I used to dread relaxing my hair because it was always bound to be painful.

  • Was anyone against your decision? How did you surpass it?

My family was against it, some friends too were like: “Why will you stop relaxing your hair? It cannot fit your face.” Someone even told me that only beautiful girls can get away with such things😃.

That day, I got home and cut out a large chunk of my hair so I was forced to do my big chop. My mother came around after I showed her pictures of gorgeous ladies with natural hair. I didn’t care about anybody else, still don’t.

  • What’s your hair type and how do you manage it?

My hair is coarse, low porosity 4c. I’ve termed it “my iron sponge”. I deep condition every week and moisturize every other day. I also try not to manipulate it too much.

  • How do you keep your hair moisturized and healthy?

Deep conditioning as I mentioned earlier. I alternate between protein and moisturizing deep treatments. Then I use the LCO method for moisturizing, I do this every day or every other day. I trim my hair every month. I sleep with a satin scarf.

  • What are your go to natural hair products? Are you a DIY fan? Do you have hair goals?

My go to natural hair products have to be Cantu shea butter leave in conditioner, deep conditioner, coconut oil and shea butter. Lol. Sometimes I love DIYs and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes, they give you exactly what you want and they are fun but there are times I just want to reach into a jar and use a product without mixing anything myself. Of course, I have hair goals. I want more length and healthier hair.

  • How do you style your hair?

This styling business is a major problem for me. I’m a very impatient person so I mostly put my hair in a high bun or puff. Mini twists have become my go to protective style and I when I get tired, I unravel it into a twistout.

  • What’s your favourite protective hairstyle to do?

These days, I’ve been rocking mini twists, I typically twist it myself and it lasts for about 2 weeks. No fuss required.

  • Do you use heat on your hair? How do you prevent heat damage?

I’ve never used heat on my natural hair. I plan to do so soon.

  • Do you hairxperiment? How crazy can you go with your hair?

No, I don’t. I’m not very adventurous by nature so I mostly stick to what I know.

  • Have you faced any challenge as a natural?How do you manage bad hair days?

I’ve faced lots of challenges.

1. Breakage. There was a time my hair was breaking seriously. It took me a while to handle it.

2. Dryness: I’m constantly at war with my hair to maintain the moisture.

3. Styling. This is a huge challenge for me and I have had a lot of bad hair days.

I shared how I manage bad hair days here.

  • Can you share with us your thoughts on natural hair and relaxed hair?

Hair is hair. It’s a part of our body so it should be cared for. Whether relaxed or natural, what we should focus on is healthy hair.

  • What hair rules have you stuck to as a natural?

My major hair rule is Moisturize! Moisturize!! Moisturize!!!

  • Can you share with us some pics of you counting your hair strands? Be creative.

I actually lost the picture for this one😔. This will have to do

  • Where can we find you?

I blog at

Instagram: peoniesandrubies

Twitter: TemiAkhigbe

  • What do you have to say to the the new, upcoming and already naturals?

Have fun with your hair, enjoy the process, don’t let anybody pressure you. Read more of my advice to new naturals here.

Doing it natural’s questions

  • What’s your favourite thing about being natural?

My favourite thing is the look tbh. I love the way my natural hair looks.

  • What is your say about shrinkage?

Shrinkage is annoying but it’s something I work around. I mostly don’t care about it.

My Nominees

Like I said, this tag has been around for a while and I’m only just getting to it. So, I nominate everybody reading this post. Yes, YOU!!! I would love to see some of your answers to these questions. Please, like, comment and share. Thank you.

20 thoughts on “Natural hair tag

  1. This was very interesting to read! Your natural hair is stunning, and btw anyone who said only “beautiful girls can pull natural hair off” excuse me first that’s sooo rude and secondly you’re beautiful…ugh I don’t understand why people say such things. You’re totally rocking the naturally beautiful hair xoxo

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your hair is beautiful. I’ve been on this journey for 2 years and my hair looks nothing like yours.
    I was following all the rules guarding natural hair before mans got tired and joined the wig gang.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are beautiful! And I’d go as far to even say you have a modeling face and it fits perfect with your natural hair so whoever made that comment was so wrong!
    I’ve been natural for almost 2 years now and I hear you, keeping the hair moisturized is soooo important! My challenges are also dryness and styling, styling mainly because of the thickness and time it takes. My arms get too tired and I get frustrated doing a twist out for hours but it’s one of my go to hairstyles!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “only pretty girls can pull natural hair off” I’d have looked the person dead in the face and stared until they were uncomfortable. Eish. Like we don’t already have enough to deal with.
    I noticed though that you prefer long hair and hate your shrinkage. Complete opposite of me. Cut my hair again last year September. To skin even. It’s just keeps growing and growing and I’m tempted to shave it this year but I won’t. I’ll sit on my hands if I have to.


    1. Lol… exactly, we have way too many issues to deal with already. I really don’t mind shrinkage, I just prefer to have my hair somewhat stretched. I feel it helps me find and remove tangles easily.(might just be me) Lol, have fun with your hair!!!


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