Goals · LESSONS · LIFE · Life lessons · Personal growth

Write Down The Vision

I'm not entirely sure of how to begin this blogpost. It's been so long that I've forgotten the art of writing introductory statements. Let me just apologize for going off on y'all. I've missed you guys and I hope you've missed me too. I hope I've gotten my life together to the point where I… Continue reading Write Down The Vision

Goals · LESSONS · LIFE · Life lessons · Personal growth

Own your life (2)

​Hello lovely people, TGIF 😎 I’m seriously looking forward to the weekend. So, I’m back as promised with the second and final part of this post. 1. Let go of anger/resentment: Harbouring resentment towards anyone for any reason is worthless not to mention counterproductive. It makes you a slave to that person, it robs you of… Continue reading Own your life (2)